Reyburn Intermediate School

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Reyburn Intermediate School

Click the links at the top of this page to see what events, activities, athletics teams, clubs and academic teams you can participate in to earn points! Points are also given for attending/participating in club meetings, noontime activities, etc. All points are given at the discretion of the staff member who advises/coaches the group. Points can also be given by any school administrator so keep up the good work and don't forget #BeKindBeATWolf! 


Check out the Reyburn activities web page to see all of the awesome prizes you can use your paw points to purchase!


Here's a direct link to the Reyburn activities web page including prize sheet:

Reyburn Activities Paw Points Page

Top Individuals
ID Points
Brodie S. 1157
Adalyn W. 1104
Willow K. 940
Jayla G. 818
Noah G. 801
Jemma Z. 800
Olivia W. 800
Leila J. 764
Addilyn B. 759
Holly R. 756
Grade Levels
Grade Points
8 133,705
7 88,301
Points Lookup